Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPOA)

Enduring Power of AttorneyWhilst we can look to the Will to provide guidance in the event of death, the Power of Attorney makes provision for the living person to ensure their affairs are managed in the event of incapacity, medical matters, or simply in their absence.

It is normal for partners / family members to be appointed and today’s modern Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA) provides protection for the person appointing attorneys to act for them.

It has also become a requirement in most cases to have an EPOA when taking up residence at a retirement village in New Zealand.

There are also a number of choices and options available to the person who is appointing an attorney and this is best discussed with us in the first instance so we may tailor the documents to your specific situation and needs.

Give us a call or email to make an appointment to initially discuss how
we may help.